Category: Dating and Sex

Different Types Of Men

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You’re the guy other guys want to befriend (because you’re rich and get them into clubs) and all the girls fancy, but long-term relationships won’t be easy if you’re out all night every weekend.

A while ago, I listed five types of women that all men will…

She Was Dumped

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Supposedly the heartache or anxiety of getting dumped by her boyfriend has started to creep into her mind.

This week, Doc Love, author of The System,”warns a reader about recently dumped women.
Hey Doc,

I have been dating Lacey for a few months. She was recently dumped by her

The Rise Of Female Pickup Artists

It’s been almost eight years since The Game exposed the “secret” world of pickup artists (PUAs) and spawned hundreds of new ones who hit up the clubs and practiced gentlemanly tactics like manipulation and NEGS (things you say to a chick to slightly lower her self-esteem) to lure women into bed.

Dating Rules

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It seems that ‘playing hard to get’ does have a lot of similarities to the theory of ‘supply and demand’.

Economics is not the sexiest of topics. But could financial rules be more suited to dating than we might think? A new book, The Romantic Economist, proposes that

Her Interest

AskMen / Getty Images

I did the worst possible thing and told her she could be the one for me. From that point onwards things have been going downhill.
This week, Doc Love, author of The System,” coaches a reader who wants to raise his girlfriend’s interest level.

Hey Doc,

I have been reading

The Scarlett Letters

Credit: Getty Images

I’m wary of a guy that’s super close to his mother. Close is ideal. Super-close — ie. constant communication and an inability to make any decisions without her approval — is not so great.

Bradley Cooper is taking his to the Oscars this year. So is Denzel Washington.

What She Misses

Apatow Productions

She remembers the same events as you do, but she probably remembers them a little differently. The main difference is probably you.

Men in long-term relationships and marriages, this one’s for you. Take a moment to look back at those…

Not Into You

New Line Cinema

I wasted a lot of time chasing men who weren’t interested in me with the wild abandon of an Alsatian in a rabbit hutch.

I don’t really have a type anymore. Until not that long ago, I had a very definitive type. My type was absolutely anyone who didn’t fancy me. It d

BJ Hang-Ups

AskMen / Thinkstock

For better or worse — and usually it’s for worse — our early sexual experiences shape a lot of our deep inner fears, pitfalls and insecurities about sex as adults.

What guy doesn’t love a good blow job? Unfortunately, conventional wisdom has it that women hate g…

Why Do Women Cheat?

Universal Pictures

I wanted to prove that I was desirable. I wanted to show my boyfriend that he was lucky to have me, that I could hurt him, that I was someone’s first choice, that I, too, was a catch and not just a burden.

Cheating on two unique partners in two totally different…

Develop Confidence

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What do women really mean when they say it’s the No. 1 thing they look for? What is your boss thinking when he passes you over for someone more aggressive and less capable? What’s behind your decision not to wear shorts on the hottest day of the year on account of your chicken legs?

Confidence is a loaded concept. It colors

Big Penises


Big penises gave better orgasms, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

Attention men: It’s finally here. The dreaded sentence that we have always secretly known but wished wasn’t true:

Women like big penises.

The Truth About Size And Women

A study