Category: Beauty and Style Tips

Beauty and Style Tips

Beauty & Style TipsMakeup Tips


Winter Dark Dresses Demand Winter Makeup

Since winter is all about dark colors, all the ladies get alert and apply makeup accordingly. Summers in Pakistan are humid and harsh so the less makeup is more. But with the dark colors makeup has to be accordingly, my style of winter makeup this season is simple and easy to carry.

A nice eye

Pregnancy Beauty Safety Tips

Marriage is a bond which is considered not only invaluable gift by nature but also a process to further expand your family. Married couple after marriage is only concerned about pregnancy. Women in particular are more conscious to pregnancy beauty safety and often look out for beauty tips in pregnancy. This article will present you few of beauty

Beauty & Style TipsSkin Care


How to Fight Face Puffiness?

The first question which comes into our minds is what are the reasons that cause our face to be puffy? What can be done to prevent it and what are the face puffiness care tips which we can use to fight face puffiness? I will tell you the answer to these entire three questions which is related to both

Beauty & Style TipsHair Care


10 Steps For Healthy Baby Hair

Babies are always lovely to have around. It is essential to take care of them with as much zeal and zest as you take care of your own self. Baby hair is another common area that requires a mothers attention. Baby hair need to be washed, cut, dried and combed just like our own hair. In order to ensure

Beauty & Style TipsStyle Tips


Fashion Trends On Eid

Eid is the best excuse for those who love going shopping, designing Eid dresses for themselves and those who prefer buying Fashion Designers Eid dresses.

Pakistani Eid Dresses are always a treat by the Fashion Designers to keep up with the latest trends in Pakistan. As Eid is the time of festivities for

How Spas Help You Refresh Your Mind And Body

Us Pakistanis, we are one busy nation. Even when we are not doing anything, we are doing something. The obligations of life are unending making us feel and appear stressed out. Being a professional person myself, I come across hordes of people who look hassled and anxious all the time. It is almost as though they are deprived of sleep and

Beauty & Style TipsNail Care


Know Your Personality By The Shape of Your Nails

The nails just like the hairstyle of a person reflect the personality of an individual. The shape of the nails can tell the characteristics of a person. We will describe a few shapes of the nails which exist commonly and what interpretation does it have according to the personality of the person.

1.    Sh

Beauty & Style TipsSkin Care


Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

In Pakistan majority of women are not supposed to go to the beauty salons regularly. For many it is unaffordable to buy skin care products and to have expensive beauty treatments to get glowing skin. There are some useful skin care tips for you to have glowing skin in natural ways.

Tips For Glowing Skin


Hair is the richest ornament of women says Martin Luther. During summer our hairs get many problems due to lack of proper hair care. The scorching sun is too cruel to hair but along summer hair problems there come solutions as well.

Read on to know the summer hair problems and their solutions.

Sun Exposure For Hair

Major problem of summer is sun

Summer shoe style trends have attracted fashion lovers with wonderful intricate, shapes and bold colors. The shoe style 2012 has set the old black pumps on side while appreciating you to step into the new wonderful world of patterns, colors and crazy attractive designs. Summer shoe style is definitely unique this time with perhaps just a bit of

The summer calls for all the fabrics and everything that we wear to be light and since the socks and the stockings touch the skin so we need the material that should be extremely light and soft. The best extreme for the summer socks for the season would be the elegant nice textured socks which have a texture of flowing lines, asymmetric shapes