Category: Beauty and Style Tips

Beauty and Style Tips

Beauty & Style TipsSkin Care


Easy Tips for Flawless Skin

Skin care guide is simple and easy to follow all you need to do is that go through a daily routine of nourishing your skin so that it becomes absolutely flawless. The skin care guides are simple and easy they include the following;


If you want well nourished and flawless skin without any

Before the party preparations

If all the girls are joining the spa party then the main ideas for the spa party are to get them excited with the thought of relaxing home spa environment with special scented candles and soaps. The most important spa party idea is to send a proper home spa party invitation.

Spa party decorations

Yes even for a home spa

Best Beauty Buys for Spring

With the season’s mode changing, you now need to get going for yoursummer fashion accessories shopping. Obviously you would want to get the trendiest and hautest buys for your spring accessories staying within a suitable range. So, all you gals get ready to pile up that shopping basket of yours with the following best buys of summer fashion

Lipstick’s most iconic colours are reinvented in this spring/ summer because 2012 is the year of reinventing colours and this year gives a chance to give the ladies endless way to wear all the dramatic colours. All the colours of the lipstick are now dominated by the colour that gives an inspiration to every lady to pop the art of expressions and

What To Wear After The Baby

Giving birth to a baby is the most difficult task of this world. After getting over with the whole pregnancy tenure and delivery, one is hardly her usual size and shape. While the pregnancy period is full of big outfits, the postpartum period is a fashion nightmare in itself. After delivering the baby, you will experience quite a confusing

Beauty & Style TipsOutfits


Celebrate Spring With Cute Clothes

Spring time is all about bringing liveliness to your wardrobe. A perfect spring wardrobe is indeed full of pretty clothes which include trendy patterns full of bows, floral and nature inspired designs. Therefore, this spring season too, the cute spring clothes are a must have for all the lovely ladies.

Beauty & Style TipsStyle Tips


Way of Talk Has Great Impact on Style

Actions speak louder than words but it is essential that they complement each other. The style tip is that actions without words and words without the action bit form a non-cohesive pair. What you do, how you dress up and how you perform non-verbal communication are all merged with your talking

Beauty & Style TipsBeauty Tips


Away with Cracked Heels!

Not only do cracked heels indicate a medical issue but also will make all the guys go Eeww! These are throbbing and unpleasant that opposes the impression of beautiful feet and wearing back-open footwear becomes a nightmare. The dilemma is that cracked heels are highly common and, in many cases,

Beauty & Style TipsSkin Care


How to be fair in Summer

During the winters we tend to like the sun due to the cold, we enjoy the bright sun rays but we forget that they are as harmful for the skin as they are during the summers. Sun blocks are suggested highly even during the winters. Every lady desires to have fair skin and that too flawless. Skin

Beauty & Style TipsBeauty Tips


Devote a Day to Pamper Yourself at Home

All working people deserve a good break in life from their busy schedule. Pakistani men and women need to work on theirbeautytipsmore to stay fresh and young for a long time. This article will provide sufficient beautytips for Pakistani people to pamper themselves at least once in a while.

Make sure to