Sex And Parenthood

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Around half of married men between ages 25-49 say they have sex a few times per month to weekly.

It’s pretty much assumed that kids are sex killers. Internet confessionals are an easy way to gather anecdotes about decreased bedroom activity,…

Sex Education

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Our society hasn’t prepared us as adults to talk with kids about sex.

Sex Education

Hi Doc,

My wife and I are having some real trouble with our 4-year-old. She’s asking a lot of questions about sex and bodies. We think it’s because she’s started preschool and it’s because

Why Men Cheat

When Tiger Woods was forced into admitting his marital ‘transgressions’ in a half-hearted apology on his website, he joined a long and illustrious band of high profile fellas who’ve been caught playing away.

Woods joined Charlie Chaplin, Bill Clinton, JFK, Elvis Presley, Einstein (he had 10 mistresses no less) Napoleon and

Not Into You

New Line Cinema

I wasted a lot of time chasing men who weren’t interested in me with the wild abandon of an Alsatian in a rabbit hutch.

I don’t really have a type anymore. Until not that long ago, I had a very definitive type. My type was absolutely anyone who didn’t fancy me. It d

Dating Rules

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It seems that ‘playing hard to get’ does have a lot of similarities to the theory of ‘supply and demand’.

Economics is not the sexiest of topics. But could financial rules be more suited to dating than we might think? A new book, The Romantic Economist, proposes that

Expressing Feelings

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She constantly showers me with affection when we are together and always shows me little signs that she is thinking about me, but never verbally communicates anything.

This week, Doc Love, author of The System,  tells a dude to relax a bit.

Hey Doc,

I read your articles

Reading Her Signals

Darclight Films

You haven’t even been out with this girl yet and you’re blatantly showing your Interest Level, which is a no-no. Like my cousin General Love says, “You have a lot to learn, soldier.”

This week, Doc Love, author of The System, helps a man understand a woman’s signals


The Best Inheritance

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I think that the worst thing you can leave your child is an inheritance. It does the little blighters no good at all.

A friend of mine once got talking to the daughter of one of Europe’s richest families at a party (you would recognise the s…

She Doesn't Love You

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She says that I have changed, she keeps criticising me about everything, says that my personality is not that of the guy she knew.

This week, Doc Love, author of The System, helps a man understand why his girl doesn’t love him.

Hey Doc,

I’m from India and I moved to Italy