Eye Twitching: A Medical Guide to Blepharospasm
Winter Hair Cosmetics – Wellness All Around
Posted on December 31st, 2012 in Hair Care |
Use the products that are winter hair cosmetics specifically so that the hair remains healthy and the damage is minimized to the maximum. The shampoo is one thing that you should choose with special concern because otherwise it will spoil the texture of t
Beautiful Feet Tips
Posted on December 27th, 2012 in Beauty Tips |
Feet are important in women personality. Well maintained hygienic feet enhance the first impression of your personality. In winter you have an opportunity to follow foot care guide to increase the beauty of your feet.
Skin Care Tips in Winter 2012
Posted on December 26th, 2012 in Skin Care |
Winter is the time of the year when you have to deal with the dreaded winter woes and the only help you get for the season’s skin care problem are a few important tips to make the skin nourished and moisturized.
Plenty of Buckle Shoes
Posted on December 25th, 2012 in Shoes |
Shoes are the most important and useful accessory to wear. In fact shoes are the essential of our ensembles, no one in the world can go out dressed well and not wearing any shoes. Among all, buckled shoes have their own significance, so here is your guide
Leather & Lace Nail Trend 2012
Posted on December 24th, 2012 in Nail Care |
Leather and lace are on height of fashion fall 2012. Leather and lace trends is prevailing all spheres of fashion including nail arts. In Pakistan nail art is taking important space in women life, nail art potentials to introduce new trends.
What To Wear On Christmas 2012
Posted on December 21st, 2012 in Outfits |
Christmas is that time when every woman spends on herself lavishly. Go for something different and take care of it that whatever you wear should be catchy and outstanding. While selecting dress and other accessories for this special occasion of Christmas,
Makeup Ideas for Christmas 2012
Posted on December 20th, 2012 in Makeup Tips |
Christmas is just round the corner and you can hear those jingle bells jingling all the way. It is time to get in a festive mode and follow the latest makeup trends and ideas circling around the Christmas. So let us all see under the makeup tree for the l
Winter Cosmetics Guide
Posted on December 15th, 2012 in Cosmetics |
Winter is here and along with it comes the issue of dry and rough skin, chapped lips, cracked feet and coarse hands. Here are a few winter cosmetic tips that will help you stay soft and supple throughout the season.
Makeup Tips for Eye Glass Wearers
Posted on December 14th, 2012 in Eye care |
Don’t let the spectacles hide the beauty of your eyes. Let others speak out by following the easy yet smart eye makeup tips. By applying these simple eye makeup tips you can brighten up your eyes even under the glasses.
Your Pregnant Body: What He Really Thinks
Posted on December 13th, 2012 in Beauty Tips |
Pregnancy is a transition but it comes with lot difficulties as it has raised your status by giving us a belonging. Pregnancy provides you with a different type of sexiness about you that comes from a sparkling-new confidence and power.
How to Fight Face Puffiness?
Posted on December 12th, 2012 in Skin Care |
Puffy face is caused by numerous reasons. The reasons can be lack of sleep, allergies, injuries or fluid retention. It is a sign which means your body is having problem in performing its functions. There are various treatments and face puffiness care tips
Teenage Spa Treatments
Posted on December 5th, 2012 in Home Spa |
Teenage Spa treatments provide solutions to kids and teens suffering from acne, pimples and other skin conditions by rejuvenating and cleansing the skin.