Home Remedies To Repair Damaged Hair Hair Loss
Beauty & Style TipsHair Care
According to experts, natural hair-loss and damage repair remedies can yield quick and long-lasting benefits for your hair. If you have damaged frizzy hair due to excessive use of blow-dryers, poor resistance to weather or you are stressed due to hair-loss, try few of our tried and tested home remedies to boost the natural shine, repair and re-growth of your hair.
1. Fight off hair loss with apple cider vinegar & oil
- What apple cider vinegar (ACV) does is simple. It helps remove the dead cells from your hair that clog the hair follicles while maintaining scalp pH. All you need to do is to mix 1 cup of ACV with 1.5 cup of water and massage your hair for 5 minutes with it. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water. You will see the shine and healthy look in your hair within no time.
- Mustard seed oil contains anti-oxidants, proteins and calcium which boost hair-growth. If you have hair-fall issues, you should massage your hair with this oil every few days. Alternatively, you can boil mustard seed oil wit henna leaves to make the effect stronger.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (daal cheeni) and honey with hot olive oil and massage your hair gently. This ayurvedic remedy works like magic for falling hair.
2. Keep your diet in check
One of the reasons for scaly, frizzy hair is lack of proper vitamin intake. Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair and are usually the first reason of hair-loss.
- Vitamin A hydrates your hair by keeping sebum production in control
- Vitamin B is essential for hair-growth
- Vitamin E repairs the damaged hair follicles
Make sure you make up for the loss of all these vitamins and minerals by taking proper diet. Take vitamin supplements and eat food that is low in carbs and high in protein content i.e. fish, sea food, egg, yoghurt etc.
3. Give yourself a scalp massage
When your scalp does not get enough blood, it starts to wither. Being at the top of your body, the brain sometimes does not get enough blood circulation which is damaging for your hair-follicles.
- Lay back on a couch with your head slightly lower than the rest of your body or hanging sideways to allow reverse circulation. Do this every day for 5 – 10 minutes.
- Massage your scalp gently with your fingers in circular motion for at least 5 minutes in a day. This way, you will stimulate blood circulation to repair damaged hair follicles and encourage new growth.
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