Dandruff Doldrums – 8 Tips to Cure Prevent Dandruff
Beauty & Style TipsHair Care
When you have dandruff, you have dandruff, simple! The problem is pretty simple and straight forward but it is the solution that is the real headache because no matter how many remedies you try, winter dandruff always seems to beat them and come back with vengeance. Maybe you are not using the real remedies, have you thought?
For some people dandruff is a permanent problem which is the cause of their excessively dry or oily scalp or any other medical reason but for most of the people, dandruff vehemently attacks in winters causing a lot of embarrassment and annoyance. For this, you may want to treat your scalp with a few tried and tested tips to ward off the dandruff in winters such as:
You may not know but your body and skin may get dehydrated which is one of the causes of dry scalp. Check your diet; add plenty of water, fresh fruit, and vegetables in it. Take vitamin E capsules if your diet is deficient in it.
Make sure there is no excessive and careless use of hair products on your part. Avoid excess use of blower, artificial hair products, and chemicals on your hair.
Mix a small quantity of vinegar with water and rinse your hair with it. Vinegar is a mild acid that cleanses your skin and scalp. Twice a week, wash your hair with apple cider vinegar and cover your head in a warm towel or shower cap for 30 minutes followed by rinsing.
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